Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Structure of Secondary Schooling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Structure of Secondary Schooling - Essay Example This essay approves that the basics start at school and slowly as they become mature they realize learning is a long process and helps them to be disciplined. The importance of learning is to share with others and make them educated. Studying at colleges and universities is totally a different ball game compared to schools. In colleges and universities the curriculum will be based on practical assumptions. Courses offering at universities and colleges are termed as professional courses and inclined towards engineering, management and political careers. The students will be trained accordingly to fulfill the immediate requirements. The most important thing is to realize the responsibilities towards the society and taking up those responsibilities, which is an indication of a good citizen. Education is an important tool that makes every citizen to know their responsibilities and utilize them properly. This report makes a conclusion that one of the main reasons of learning disabilities is the lack of concentration. Student’s thoughts divert very easily. They could not keep up their concentration level up to the mark. Short-term memory is also one of the reasons. Some of them were unable to remember previous days lessons or unable to grasp Assessing student’s abilities and disabilities is the major factor and teachers should strive to identify these issues. By identifying their strengths and weaknesses one can easily work on these issues. Self-confidence plays an important role in everyone’s lives. It is the deciding factor that decides a winner and a loser.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Identifying Non-traditional Gifted Students

Identifying Non-traditional Gifted Students Gifted students are defined as those who excel in academic subjects such as reading, science, or math. Some students do exceptionally well in visual art or playing musical instruments, while others exhibit strong leadership qualities. All of these are defined in the Americas School Act of 1994. The term gifted and talented when used in respect to students, children or youth means students, children or youth who give evidence of high performance capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who require services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop such capabilities (Ryser, McConnell, 2004). Gifted children are sometimes called asynchronous due to their physical/emotional growth not corresponding to their intellectual growth. Traditionally, gifted students have been under-served or go unidentified due to schools being unable to provide advanced placement or the lack of curriculum for these students. If a student shows signs of boredom, lack of interest or diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, the score of such student may not have reflected their true potential. Times have not changed in regard to this type of students. Many of these students are still in regular classrooms without the opportunity of advanced placement, specific gifted classrooms or additional discovery classes to service their needs. The Federal No Child Left Behind Act has left little room for helping these students attain their full academic and/or talent goals. Combining these factors with the gifted children who are not identified due to not being able to perform well on standardized tests, or a low socioeconomic culture and those with learning disabilities that accompany their giftedness presents a dilemma for most school districts (Lardner, 2004). However, the first step for developing curriculum for schools is the identification process. 1. Problem statement This paper is meant to examine the problems and research that has been done in the area of identifying the students that may show extreme giftedness in one subject and perform low in another, those who may be overlooked due to cultural, linguistic or ethically diverse backgrounds and those students who may not score well on standardized tests; to include twice exceptional students. Identification and low representation of culturally, linguistically, and ethnically diverse (CLED) students have been a concern with researchers and educators in our country: (Lohman, 2005), (Pierce et al., 2007). Considering the changing demographics within schools and pressure from the government and funding issues, educators must examine how to change identification procedures and services to adequately recognize and develop these students talents (Briggs, 2008). Even though cultural diversity has become more prominent in in education, CLED students are more identified in the remedial classes and underrepresented in gifted and talented programs (Briggs, 2008). National surveys show that only 10% of those students performing at their highest level are CLED students even though they represent 33% of the school population (Gallagher, 2002). The issues of identifying and assessing such students are highly important due to various reasons, but first of all because the absence of proper educational approach and environment hinder the development and future success of a great number of people, which undermines the very mission of education. Researching methods and approaching for identification and assessment of nontraditional gifted students will help to address this deficiency of our educational system. 2. Literature review on identification and assessment of nontraditional gifted students Assessing the nontraditional gifted student has become a growing problem in school districts across America. While doing a review of existing literature on the problem of identification of gifted students, one can outline 3 major types of nontraditional gifted students. Each type of such students, its identification and relevant research will be described below. 2.1. Gifted students missed by testing Various identification methods are used to identify gifted learners. There are those who still believe that IQ tests can be the way to measure intelligence; Schroth and Helfer (2008) refer to Gottfredson who states that proponents of traditional instruments for measuring IQ believe that such tests are not biased against blacks, other ethnic minority groups who are English speaking, or other native born people in the United States predicting well for all subgroups. Schroth and Helfer (2008) reference Ford (2003) who believes that the same groups along with low-SES students are discriminated against by standard tests because such tests are biased against process that is color blind or culture blind, Eurocentric, monolithic and narrow (Schroth Helfer, 2008). The authors go on to support the models referenced in Renzulli Reis (2007), and Sternberg (2002,2003), regarding those who believe in utilizing multiple measures for identifying gifted students. Such measures include portfolios, observations, teacher, parent or peer nominations and test scores and may be used to identify gifted students as well as to identify those students who may be missed using only traditional tools (Schroth Helfer, 2008). There are many factors that influence identification and availability of gifted programming to CLED students. The assessment tools that are used, educator bias, the perception of cultural behaviors, quantity and quality of teacher preparation for working with CLED students, and degree of variety of instruction strategies influence the identification and services provided for CLED students (Briggs, 2008). Language barriers, non-stimulating environments, fear of not teaching to the test and the belief that few gifted students can be found in CLED students also influence under-identification of these groups (Briggs, 2008). Unfortunately, tests play a major role in identification, referral, and placement of gifted students. Due to students not scoring well on standardized tests, teachers need to create and use tests and assessments that are culturally responsive (Ford, 2010). 2.2. Gifted students with a learning disability Other learners that are not identified or serviced properly nationwide are gifted learners with a learning disability. Gifted/learning disabled students are students with high intellect (superior intellectual ability) who have low performance in a specific academic area such as math, reading or written expression. This is not due to the absence of educational opportunity or a health problem (McCoach, 2001). McCoach describes three types of gifted/learning disabled students. The first student does well in elementary school when the learning disabilities are less distinct and they still participate in gifted programs. As the work progresses within that students disability, he/she may begin to experience learning difficulties which leads to underachievement. These students are not normally identified as learning disabled due to the high achievement in elementary school. The second type is described as learning disabled but also gifted. Since such students have severe learning disabilities, they are seldom identified as gifted. The third type is the student that is not identified as either gifted or disabled. This students disabilities hide their gifts and the gifts conceal their disability, creating a smokescreen which is referred to as masking within the definition of gifted/learning disabled students (McCoach, 2001). Masking refers to the principle that many gifted students with learning disabilities have patterns of strengths and weaknesses that make them appear to have average abilities and achievement (McCoach,2001). So therefore, these students do not get identified as gifted or learning disabled. Some advocates believe that intelligence scores will be lower for these students, thereby hindering their identification as either gifted or learning disabled (McCoach, 2001). McCoach goes on to quote Waldren and Saphire (1990): the primary problem with the use of intelligence test to identify gifted students with LD is that the disability may lower their IQ score so dramatically that the students do not qualify for inclusion in the school districts criteria for gifted, even though they demonstrate strong abilities in some areas. 2.3. Twice-exceptional students The term twice-exceptional is used to describe students who are gifted and identified with a disability (Baum Owen, 2003). There has been extensive research identifying twice exceptional students. Identification is a problem due to a misdiagnosis of the student (Webb, et al., 2005). The challenge is still the under representation of students with disabilities in gifted programs. The question is not whether these students exist but how to serve them when they need two sets of services (Rizza Morrison, 2007). There is evidence to show that there is a large amount of students who are gifted with behavioral disabilities (Baum Olenchak, 2002, Neihart, 2000). One example of twice exceptional would be a student identified as gifted with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This particular disorder when combined with giftedness is difficult to diagnose due to the many similarities between ADHD and gifted characteristics. The difficulty differentiating between characteristics of giftedness and those of ADHD, and recognizing when they coexist, can easily lead to inaccurate identification. Gifted and ADHD children often exhibit similar behaviors: hyperactivity, disruptive behavior, challenges to authority, and social/emotional development (Leroux Levitt-Perlman, 2000). Leroux Levitt-Perlman referenced Clark (1992) regarding hyperactivity, which can occur in both gifted children and children with ADHD and is often the first characteristic a diagnostician will see. However, hyperactiv ity may manifest itself in different ways. The gifted child may show focused energy, whereas the child with ADHD is largely unfocused (Leroux Levitt-Perlman, 2000). In addition, both gifted children and children with ADHD may challenge authority. The challenging authority characteristic in gifted children compared to children with ADHD may be exhibited differently. According to Clark, gifted children are curious and want to ask questions, this is part of their nature. The challenge from ADHD children has been observed to be more hostile and aggressive in manner. Even though both types of children can disrupt the daily school environment, the causes are different (Clark, 2008). The disruptive behavior is presented in both gifted and ADHD children. For the gifted child, disruptive behavior is associated with boredom in response to unchallenging activities, curriculum, and learning style . Disruptive behavior in the ADHD child is the result of any or all of the ADHD core symptoms: inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity (Clark, 2008). The ADHD child can easily become distracted by outside environment and/or stimuli, or even by own thoughts. ADHD students have weak organizational skills which makes staying on task a challenge. Too strict of an environment can lead to a disruption in the classroom as well. In the gifted/ADHD child the frustrations of impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity, combined with under stimulation can lead to oppositional behaviors (Leroux Levitt-Perlman, 2000). When the social/emotional development aspects are considered, there are similarities for both gifted and ADHD children as well. The gifted student might interact maturely with adults but be less competent with his peers, unable to read the social cues that tell him his behavior is not within social norms for children his age. The gifted childs intellectual and/or creative ability is more advanced than the emotional level, along with the sense of self (being different than other students), which can cause social isolation. The ADHD child shows immaturity and does not pick up on social clues, leading to rejection from peers. Both of these can cause emotional outbursts and inappropriate behaviors (Leroux Levitt-Perlman, 2000). Clark references Mendaglio when stating that when the two of these are combined in one child, there is a heightened sense of of alienation, sensitivity, and overreaction ( Clark, 2008). 3. Synthesis of relevant research and findings There are important issues that need to be considered when developing a method for identifying gifted or talented students: gifted students will exhibit their talents not only in a certain domain but also within a specific area of interest. A student may perform well on classroom activities but with independent study, may show a deeper level of theoretical understanding within the same subject. Giftedness is a dynamic concept. A test score may not represent how a childs gifts may be developed into talents, especially for students who do not have the opportunity for out-of-school activities. Talents are shown by students who have disabilities, or who come from different ethnic, cultural, and economic backgrounds and finally, early identification has proven important in developing gifts into talents (Johnsen 2009). In order to avoid the scantiness of test assessments, Ford suggests that assessment should include answers to the following questions (Ford, 2010): Are the measures valid and reliable for the specific culturally different students and group? How can educators remove the bias in the measurements they use or must adopt for evaluation and gifted education decisions? Have the students had the opportunity to be assessed in ways that are compatible with how they learn and communicate? Finally, do the students have the opportunity to be evaluated via more authentic assessments; skits, presentations, speeches, research, and other models of their learning? . Moreover, concerning broadening the spectrum oh approaches to students, Ford (2010) suggests in her article, Culturally Responsive Classrooms: Affirming Culturally Different Gifted Students the use of the culturally responsive classroom which is characterized by five components. The five components include; teachers philosophy, learning environment, curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Ford believes that when teachers become more self-reflective, are able to recognize cultural differences amongst students and themselves, and create classrooms that are more culturally responsive, they can decrease cultural misunderstandings and miscommunication with CLED students (Ford, 2010). For gifted students with learning disabilities, the masking concept creates problems for school psychologists, they can not possibly test all students who are performing at an average level to look for disguised learning disabilities. Until these students exhibit underachievement, there are not clear suggestions or empirical research to help identify these students. Teachers and specialists focus on the students disabilities, so therefore the strengths and talents of the student go ignored. The teachers and/or specialists attention is focused on the disability so little or no attention is given to the students gifts or talents (Baum, 2001). The techniques that are used for the disability may very well lack the characteristics gifted students require for successful learning and thus inhibit the attempt of that technique. Baum suggests that using instructional strategies that provide balance between the strengths and weaknesses of the gifted/learning disabled will contribute to an auth entic, challenging curriculum (Baum, 2001). The pragmatic problem concerning twice-exceptional learners is identifying these children like those that are gifted/ LD. This agrees with the case that many children who are gifted go unidentified by the use of standard IQ tests, and currently, many of the current diagnostic measures are less than perfect form many ADHD children (Leroux Levitt-Perlman, 2000). Leroux Levitt-Perlman (2000) promote that the skills and talents within individuals must be expanded to include and acknowledge the strengths of the gifted/ADHD child and go on to comment on Maker, Neilson, and Rogers (1994) approach that combines Gardners theory of multiple intelligences and a matrix of problem types to design ways to identify and serve the diversity and skills in students (Leroux Levitt-Perlman, 2000). They surmise that students who were identified through this method made equal or greater gains in enrichment programs as those identified by traditional methods (Leroux Levitt-Perlman, 2000). McCoach suggests that identification of students with learning disabilities should parallel the identification of all other students with learning disabilities (McCoach, 2001). According to McCoach, the process must comply with both federal and state special education regulations while utilizing both ability and achievement testing. McCoach (2001) suggests that authentic assessment (portfolio with works of the student, written works, informal reading inventories) should be used in correlation with standardized methods of achievement. Conclusion The problem of identification and assessment of nontraditional gifted student is one of the important educational issues. Review and analysis of relevant research have shown that the so-called nontraditional gifted students may be divided into three groups: gifted students missed due to imperfection and limited nature of current testing system, gifted learners with learning disabilities and twice-exceptional learners. Methods of identification and assessment for the three groups differ from each other. Major finding and suggestions for the problem are: developing authentic assessments aimed at addressing various types of skills and eligible for discovering different talents, creating a culturally responsive classroom and providing necessary background to the teachers, using instructional strategies in order to provide balance between the strengths and weaknesses of the gifted and learning disabled learners and addressing multiple types of intelligence via creating different problem t ypes to design ways to identify and serve the diversity and skills in students. Sources Baum, Susan. (2001). Dual Differentiation: An Approach for Meeting the Curricular Needs of Gifted Students with Learning Disabilities. Psychology in the Schools, 38(5), 477-490. Baum, S., Olenchak, F. (2002). The alphabet children: GT, ADHD and more. ! Exceptionality, 10, 77-91. Baum, S., Owen, S. (2003). To be gifted and learning disabled: Strategies for helping bright students with LD, ADHD, and more. Mansfield Center, CT: Creative Learning Press. Clark, Barbara. (2008). Growing up gifted: developing the potential of children at home and at school. Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall. Briggs, Christine. (2008). A National View of Promising Programs and Practices for Culturally, Linguistically, and Ethnically Diverse Gifted and Talented Students. Gifted Child Quarterly, 52 (2), 131-145. Flint, Lori J. (2001). Challenges of Identifying and Serving Gifted Children with ADHD. Teaching Exceptional Children, 33 (4), 62-69. Ford, Donna Y. (2010). Culturally Responsive Classrooms: Affirming Culturally Different Gifted Students. Gifted Child Today, 33 (1), 50-53. Gallagher, J.J. (2002). Societys Role in Educating Gifted Students: The Role of Public Policy. Storrs, CT: The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented. Johnsen, Susan K. (2009). Practices for Identifying Gifted Students. Principal, 88 (5), 8-14 Lardner, Cynthia M. M. (2004). Helping Gifted Children Reach Their Potential. Michigan Bar Journal, 18-20. Leroux, Janice A. Levitt-Perlman, Marla. (2000). The Gifted Child with Attention Deficit Disorder: An Identification and Intervention Challenge. Roeper Review, 22(3), 171-177 Lohman, David F. (2005). Identifying Academically Gifted Students: An Aptitude Perspective. Gifted Child Quarterly, 49 (2), 111-138 McCoach, Betsy D. Kehle, Thomas J. Bray, Melissa A. et al. (2001). Best Practices in the Identification of Gifted Students with Learning Disabilities. Psychology in the Schools, 38 (5), 403-411. Pierce, R. L. et al. (2007) Development of an Identification Procedure for a Large Urban School Corporation: Identifying Culturally Diverse and Academically Gifted Elementary Students. Roeper Review, 29 (2), 113-118. Pfeiffer, Stephen I. (2003). Challenges and Opportunities for Students Who Are Gifted: What the Experts Say. Gifted Child Quarterly, 47 (2), 161-169. Renzulli, Joseph S. Reis, Sally M. (2007). A Technology Based Resource for Challenging Gifted and Talented Students. Gifted Education Press Quarterly, 21(4), 2-3 Rizza, Mary J. Morrison, William F. (2007). Identifying Twice Exceptional Children: A Toolkit for Success. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 3(3) Article 3. Retrieved 6 April 2010 from Ryser, G.R. McConnell, K. (2004). Scales for Identifying Gifted Students. Waco TX: Proofrock Press. Smith-Collins, Searetha. (2007). The Unserved, Under-Served, and Inappropriately Served: Educating Gifted and Talented Minority Students. Gifted Education Press Quarterly, 21(4), 4-9 Sternberg, R.J. (2002). A Reflective Conversation with Robert J. Sternberg about Giftedness, Gifted Education, and Intelligence. Gifted Education International, 16 (3), 201-207 Schrorth, Stephen Helfer, Jason A. (2008). Identifying Gifted Students: Educator Beliefs Regarding Various Policies, Processes, and Procedures. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 32 (2). 155-179. Van Tassel-Baska, Joyce Brown, Elissa F. (2007). An Analysis of the Efficacy of Curriculum Models in Gifted Education. Gifted Child Quarterly, 51(4), 342-358. Webb, J. T. Amend, E. R. Webb, N. E. Goerrs, J. Beljan, P., Olenchak, F. R. (2005). Misdiagnosis and dual diagnosis of gifted children and adults. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Classification of Characters Bill and Boyd Meet :: essays research papers

Billy and Boyd come in contact with many interesting characters through out their journeys. There are six characters that Billy and Boyd meet who seam to impact their lives the most. Those six characters can be broken up into two groups to describe how they impacted Billy and Boyd’s lives. The two groups are the characters that helped them along their journeys, and the characters that did not help them along their journeys. The first character who impacted their lives and ultimately their journeys is the Indian. Billy and Boyd were down at the river when they met this character. The Indian did not like them from the beginning. The Indian did not like them knowing he was there, so he used them. The Indian got them to bring him food. Then he asked for coffee and other good. Billy and Boyd decided not to bring the items back to the Indian because they did not want anything to do with him. The only problem was the Indian knew where they lived. The Indian did not help Billy and Boyd in the journeys. The Indian ended killing their parents, burning part of their house, and slitting their dog’s neck, which made him mute. Another character who did not help in Billy and Boyd’s journeys is the Mexican deputy. Billy and Boyd were trying to find their stolen horses that they had papers for. They knew that the deputy knew information about the horses. When they showed the deputy the horse’s papers, he told them to put them away, that the papers would not help them get the horses back. The other character(S) that did not help Billy and Boyd’s journeys is the two kidnapers. Along their journeys they run into a girl who is around Boyd’s age, she is traveling alone. They kind of scare her so she does not let them help her. They go on their way, down the rode they run into to guys. Billy and Boyd know that these guys are going to give her trouble. So they wait till sun down and they go back and find her. The kidnapers have in fact given her trouble. They have also raped her. Billy and Boyd decide that they are going to get her away from the kidnapers.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Being Gay and Elderly in Toronto

According to Peter Sprigg, author of â€Å"Gay Marriage Questions,† there are two reasons a civil marriage should not be granted for gay couples. One is that since they are relationships and not marriages, they should not be granted. Sprigg says that in order to have a marriage, there must be a union of a man and a woman, not a man and a man.Traditional intercourse cannot take place with two men involved. The second one is that these type relationships are harmful. They do not provide the same benefits as a marriage between a man and a woman, and their consequences are far more negative than positive. (www.nogaymarriage. com/gaymarriagequestions. html) Either way, it’s looked at, even with the evidence standing alone, it is enough to not accept the claim that gay couples should be able to legally marry. The first argument is that marriage is an institution that predates the law and the Constitution. Marriage is sociological, not legal. Laws relating to marriage just ack nowledge and keep in tact an institution that is already in existence. However, some people believe that marriage is a way of recognizing couples who are in love with each other. With that being said, they want to spend the rest of their lives together.Consider this. According to Sprigg, love and companionship were sufficient to define marriage, then there would be no reason to deny â€Å"marriage† to unions of a child and an adult, or an adult child and his aging parent, or to roommates who have no sexual relationship. Most people think that the sexual element is what defines a marriage. However, marriage is so much more than that. According to Webster, marriage is a mutual relationship between husband and wife; the institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family.Anthropologist Kingsley Davis says that marriage is â€Å"the unique trait of what is commonly called marriage is s ocial recognition and approval†¦of a couple’s engaging in sexual intercourse and bearing and rearing children. † The question was raised, are married couples without children really in a marriage? If gay couples are denied to marry, shouldn’t straight couples without children be denied also? According to what Sprigg had to say concerning marriage and children, this would make sense, would it not? Not necessarily.If a couple wants children, and for some reason cannot have them, it is not their fault. A couple who decides not to have children may change their minds. At any rate, childless marriages are still acknowledged because if not, it would be an invasion of a heterosexual couples privacy to require that they show intent to bear children, or the ability to have children. So, what is the real purpose of marriage? Anthropologist Kingsley Davis says that a marriage’s purpose is to socially recognized and approved to engage in sexual intercourse and be ar and rear children.Another marriage scholar, Maggie Gallagher says that â€Å"marriage across societies is a public sexual union that creates kinship obligations and sharing of resources between men, women, and the children their sexual union may produce. The mere biological conception and birth of children are not enough to make sure that reproduction of a healthy and successful society. Paul Nathanson, the homosexual scholar says that there are at least five functions that marriage serves—things that every culture must do in order to survive and thrive. They are: 1. Foster the bonding between men and women 2.Foster the birth and rearing of children 3. Foster some form of healthy masculine identity 4. Foster the bonding between men and children 5. Foster the transformation of adolescents into sexually responsible adults Maggie Gallagher puts it more simply, saying that â€Å"children need mothers and fathers† and â€Å"marriage is the most practical way to get the m for children. Actually, when you look at it, homosexuals already have the right the right to marry just like anyone else. When applying for marriage licenses, the application does not ask for a person’s sexual orientation. Now, the freedom of homosexuals to marry is another story.Their marriage, just as any marriage stipulates that any person is legally sanctioned from marrying a child, a close blood relative, a person who is already married, or a person of the same sex. Just because homosexuals have a desire to marry, does not make it right or legal anymore than the desires of other tiny (but less vocal ) minorities of Americans gives them a right to pedophilic â€Å"marriages†, â€Å"incestuous marriages,† or polygamous â€Å"marriages. † Some feel that prohibiting same sex marriages is just as discriminatory as interracial marriages. However, that is not valid thinking.The purpose of the law against interracial marriage was to protect the social syst em of racial segregation, not to protect the nature of marriage. Preserving â€Å"racial purity† was an unworthy goal, certainly not one of the fundamental purposes of marriage common to all human civilizations. One of the arguments against gays is the fact that God is not pleased with that union. According to the Bible, Men should not be lovers of themselves and neither should women. If God said it, then, that settles it. Among all the sins mentioned in the Bible, perhaps none is more disgusting to God than that of homosexuality.God destroyed two cities in the plains of Jordan, called Sodom and Gomorrah, because their wickedness was great (Genesis 13:10-13). The English word, â€Å"sodomy† is a derivative of the word â€Å"Sodom† for the cities were full of the sins of sodomy. Now, with that in mind, how many times are people arrested for sodomizing young children or sodomizing another man? If one can get arrested for sodomizing, then evidently, it would stand to reason, that homosexuality is not right Biblically or lawfully. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. â€Å"If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination.They shall surely be put to death and their blood {shall be} upon them. † (Leviticus 20:13). Homosexuality is not a disease that is inherited or a disease from birth. Homosexuality is a learned behavior, much like lying, stealing, fornication, etc. Those that learn and practice such must stop. 1 Corinthians 6:9 says, â€Å"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolater, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.† The homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God. They must bring forth fruits worthy of repentance. Now, the purpose of this paper is to argue whether or not same sex marriages should take place in Toronto or anyplace else. Though the Bible or religion is not in question here, there is still the argument of whether gays should be legally married? The scripture clearly states, that this union should not be sanctioned. Consider this. It is not a sin for the color of one’s skin to be white, red, yellow, or lack, and we shouldn’t discriminate against another because of it. However, it is a sin to be a homosexual.It is not a matter of discrimination. It is a matter of right or wrong in the sight of Almighty God. Some say homosexuals are born that way and cannot change. This is another effort of men trying to justify themselves while practicing homosexuality. Homosexuality is condemned from the beginning of time to the end. One of these days, we will have to stand before God and give an account of what was we do to our bodies, smoking, homosexuality, illegal drugs, etc. In Nova-Scotia, two men were married, but they were told, t hat they could not receive communion, unless they were celibate.These two men, both 69 are now trying to make the decision whether to leave the Catholic Church because now, they must make a choice between their religion and their marriage. They were refused, because Communion wafers are considered the body and blood of Christ. To Catholics, receiving communion is one of the faith’s most sacred rituals. Additionally, they were told that their marriage was a public scandal. Many people wonder why defending marriages and defending the family require different views regarding same-sex unions. In other words, how can a homosexual marriage affect a heterosexual marriage?Well, homosexuals unions often have a more direct impact on heterosexual marriages than we know. For instance, the Boston Globe reported June 29, 2003, that â€Å"nearly 40 percent† of the 5,700 homosexual couples who have entered into â€Å"civil unions† in Vermont â€Å"have had a previous heterosex ual marriage. † Children are the ones who suffer the most of homosexual unions because these children grow up without a mother and a father. These children are also products of heterosexual marriages that ended up in divorce or death. These children also face being ridiculed at school and among their peers.The question is will these children, after being exposed to homosexuality in the home, grow up to be gay, or does this help them to choose heterosexuality vs. homosexuality? How do the mothers of these children feel about their now gay ex-husband, having custody or visitation rights? Some would approve it, and some would not. In Toronto, June 30, 2006, (LifeSiteNews. com) – The mainstream media brought to life the phantom of the gay gene theory7 in covering a Canadian study on the origin of homosexuality. â€Å"Homosexuality influenced by biological factors, Canadian researcher says, â€Å"proclaimed the CBC, the first to break the story.This study was regarding sex ual orientation of men determined before birth. However, the study was most intriguing for what the mainstream media failed to cover. Namely that, if true, the study suggests that homosexuality is a congenital abnormality, and shares its origins with other disorders developed in the womb. (www. lifesite. net/ldn/2006/jun/06063003. html Westen, John Henry, 2006) Some researchers at Brock University in St. Catherine’s Ontario published a study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences entitled â€Å"Biological versus non biological older brothers and men’s sexual orientation.The results of this study proved that same-sex sexual orientation is a result from having older brothers, even though the brothers may have not been raised together. To put it simpler, by way of explanation the researchers suggest that same sex relationships result from an immune reaction of the mother to the male child in her womb. â€Å"A theory of male homosexuality is consi stent with the present finding that maternal immune response to succeeding male pregnancies,† says the study.If in fact, this study is correct, then the link between the mother’s immune reaction and the child’s future sexual orientation would probably be some effect of maternal anti-male antibodies on the sexual differentiation of the brain. † Dr. John Shea, medical advisor to Campaign Life Coalition, explained to LifeSiteNews. com that the study explains the significance of its findings suggesting that â€Å"the immune response of the mother’s body, damages the sexual differentiation of the brain of the male child in the womb, thus producing an abnormality in the fetus.† In 1998, almost 3. 7 million Canadians were 65 years of age and older. Over the next fifteen years, this number is expected to grow to approximately 5. 9 million. However, it is impossible to tell how many lesbians and gay men live in Canada. However, the numbers of older gay adults are estimated between 296,000 and 370,000, and should incr4ase proportionately to the general older population of the country to between 471,000 and 590,000 people.(Newsletter of the centre for Applied Social research Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, Vol. no. 2/Fall/Winter, 2002). Gerontological research has begun to look at the issues pertaining to gay and lesbian seniors only in the late 1970s, and most of these studies in the area have not succeeded in the experience of gay aging from the viewpoint of women, ethnocultural minorities, low-income individuals, and chose not actively involved in the gay and lesbian communities. (Ibid, 2002)In summary, if all studies conducted on whether or not gay marriage should be sanctioned y the church in regard to marriage, the evidence shows and proves that homosexual couples, male or female should not be sanctioned because of the following reasons: 1. An abomination in the eyesight of God 2. In these relationships, the ma rriage cannot be sanctioned because no union really took place. 3. Children, cannot be born of these marriages, unless they were brought in from a heterosexual marriage.One of the purposes of marriage is to have children. 4. Foster the bond between many women, and a list of other reasons mentioned above. References (www. nogaymarriage. com/gaymarriagequestions. html (Leviticus 20:13, King James Version of Holy Bible) (www. lifesite. net/ldn/2006/jun/06063003. html Westen, John Henry, 2006) (Newsletter of the centre for Applied Social research Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, Vol. no. 2/Fall/Winter, 2002).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ministry of Sound Case Study

1.From the offset Ministry of sound has had to deal with numerous environmental factors that has fashioned the club in the early stages and in the later years. Weather it has hindered its development or accelerated it is up for analysis. During the early stages logistically they had to deal with the issue of the clubs location being in a high crime rate borough of Southwark situated in Elephant & Castle. Also with â€Å"Acid House† derived music, the nightclub inherited the underground rave culture that is synonymous with the designer drugs of the 90’s such as ecstasy. The national drug offences crime rate is at 4.5 were as Southwark council is 18.6 far exceeding national average, this is shown in appendix 1. These factors could have been detrimental to the development of the club and portray the label in a negative public image. In addition with the security team fuelling the drug trade within the club could be seen as one of the principle threats. But with the overhaul of the security team and the zero tolerance on drugs, they managed to change the clubbing ethos to a cleaner and safer environment. During the later stages one of the weakness could be the commercialisation of the brand, loosing the â€Å"edgy† and â€Å"underground† crowd that established the club. However this also means commercial success with ministry of sounds DJ Eric Prydz â€Å"call on me† reaching number 1 for 16 weeks in 2004. 2.The capabilities of ministry of sound has vastly increased over its life span with itself becoming a brand, gaining brand recognition. Which could be now recognised as a worldwide music lifestyle. With its product portfolio ranging from; record labels, branded apparel/electronics, worldwide tours, radio and fitness DVD’s. it has outgrown its venue in south London from just a nightclub to a movement, being able to influence popular music trends and unearthing new styles and genre of music. Ministry of sound has now achieved a significant presence within the industry, which allows the company to expand and diversify its product portfolio successfully within the mainstream markets. 3.To identify the main stakeholders we have to differentiate the qualities and recognise the levels of significance they hold to the organisation. We can do this by analysing stakeholders by categorising them, such as internal and external stakeholders and by using the power interest matrix as shown in appendix 2. There are 4 categories within the power interest matrix that we can apply to Ministry of sound. The fist being A â€Å"minimal effort† which is low power and low interest, they do not have any authority they can exert onto the organisation. Then there is B â€Å"keep informed† these stakeholders have high interest and limited ability to influence directly, for example those who visit the nightclubs and events and retail customers. However they do expect a high quality service or product, whilst expecting a euphoric experience. Category C â€Å"keep satisfied† are stakeholders that have low level interest but can exert change relatively easily, such as government bodies or local authorities. Their expectations seem to be generic to all other organisations, follow laws and regulations and act coherently within society. Lastly being arguably the most important stakeholders are D â€Å"key players† these are employees and investors like venture capitalists 3i, who are key players in ministry of sound organisation. Expecting good return on investment and dividends, whilst expanding creating growth and longevity for the company. 4.Strategic choices at this point are vital to the prosperity and future of Ministry of Sound. They are required in this case to develop their strategies to improve the performance of the organisation in accordance to their external factors. Taken from Johnson, Scholes and whitington â€Å"Exploring corporate strategy† states there is a strategic model were a business route will be taken in relation to three requirements. Suitability, does it make economical sense? Also would it be suitable in context of environment and capabilities. So if Ministry decided to open a new super-club in Dubai, would it make economical sense? Dubai may have high levels of disposable income within its population, but the market may not be as strong or cultural differences may occur. Another is a financially superior competitor may invest more entering the market. Feasibility, are the resources available to execute the strategy? Includes cash flow analysis break-even analysis and forecasting. Acceptability, this is in relation to the risk involved in the project and the returns gained. Also to do with stakeholders, it requires the company to review the reactions and the possibilities of the venture. 5.Another factor they should include is when entering new markets and countries, they should employ mid level native managers. This is to extract local knowledge of laws and cultural differences, in order to maximise company competency within the new country. So when considering reorganisation and the three divisions, each need to be catered in forms of correct management style and strategy implementation. I agree with the reorganisation of the company as it separates departmental aims and outcomes. This intern specialises each department, however the company should employ previously successful and experienced department managers. This would ensure the running of the departments to be more efficient and productive. In conclusion the reorganisation is key to the development of company, and now relies on the implementation of the key strategies. With the rearrangement of the company, different aspects can get specialisation and close focus rather then being neglected that could be detrimental to the organisation. This is imperative for long term orientation of the product portfolio and expansion prospects. Bibliography